I was a horse crazy child, and adult. It was such a pleasure to get up close and personal with the Standardbred racehorses at Woodbine Mohawk Racetrack. I created a composite portrait of a vet who researches sudden cardiac death in sport horses.
A favorite shoot: Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) for Shift Magazine /
When someone asks me what my favourite photo assignment was, I always go to this one in my head. The culture magazine, Shift, asked me to drive up to Sudbury to see what was there in this advanced physics lab called SNO that was then trying to detect the presence of these sub-atomic particles called Neutrinos. They later won the Nobel prize and after finishing their research, closed the lab.
A new research facility has opened on that site now called SNOLAB.
I entered the lab as everyone does, through an elevator beside a trailer in a wintery parking lot on a big rock. The elevator was pitch black and full of miners and engineers. I am claustrophobic. I was freaking out inside but I held it together. We all wore headlamps and down we went, 3 kilometres down. The steel cables act like elastics when they are that long so we would bounce up and down until finally settling on the tunnel that would take us to the lab.
Check out the article and photos for a description of our journey…
A lifetime together and now a wedding /
Surrounded by their kids, family and old friends, these two were married in a downtown Toronto church at rush hour and then tripped the light fantastic at their favorite local restaurant.
50th Fireworks! /
This is how you celebrate half a century! I shot a wonderful surprise party on the weekend – Surprise! Fireworks!
CIFAR Massey Lecture /
Anthrpologist, Jim Henrich talks about his work in the book, Secrets of Our Success, at the Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto.
The Lucky Penny, cafe and general store in Toronto /
If you are anywhere near Trinity Bellwoods Park in Toronto, take the time to stop by The Lucky Penny on Shaw St north of Queen. I took some shots for them this week, and I will be back to get a coffee and a loaf of cheese bread, and some smoked trout, and maybe I'll grab a caprese sandwich made with heirloom tomatoes while I am there...